Publisher’s Letter- Support Black Designers


Be Black, buy Black, think Black, and all else will take care of itself.”
                                                                                                    Marcus Garvey


The annual spending power of Black people in America is set to reach $1.8 trillion in 2024. That sound you hear is the cash register ringing – cha ching, cha ching. Although our people have the lowest levels of income and wealth of any racial group in the country, our willingness to spend far out paces our resources. Especially when it comes to fashion.

Based on Nielsen surveys, we are 20 percent more likely than the rest of the country to “pay extra for a product that is consistent with the image I want to convey.” Black folks are 31 percent more likely to spend $500+ on a handbag, and 21 percent more likely to spend a comparable figure on costume jewelry. You know we have to look GOOD!

With that being said, why are we not buying from Black designers and labels? If we can buy from Prada, Gucci, and Armani, we can also wear Clarence Black, ShaVi Lewis, and Marco Hall.  Sure, we have a number of successful Black designer houses like Kerby Jean-Raymond, B Michael, and Byron Lars. Commercial labels from Sean John, Baby Phat, Karl Kani, and others have become icons of popular fashion culture, but there should be a lot more successful Black designers. Check your closet and make note of the Black designers/labels in your possession.

Accomplished designer Douglas Says approached us to spotlight the fashion artistry of a few of his talented peers in the industry. These extraordinary designers deserve our support. Please reach out and make them a priority as you build your wardrobe for next season.


Together we can make a difference,


Jamil A. Fletcher



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